Are you able to tune into the seed of that dream or are you being pulled off course by some imagined “it?” Discover more – Inspired Possibility By Barb Klein Now What? Facilitator and Deputy Editor Originally published for Inspired Possibility’s blog
#QuotesToLiveBy: Two Factors In Success
If you’ve been following along, I ran for NJ State Assembly, announcing in March and losing my primary on June 6th. What am I taking away from this experience? NO PAIN, NO GAIN Running for office, especially as a neophyte, was a huge learning curve. I thought of it in January and by mid-February, life…
Self-Reinvention is a Journey
Looking to a new and improved future?? Here are some tips to make it a bit easier as you go from Point A to Point B, moving toward a new version of you. Take These 25 Steps to Complete the Journey of Reinventing Yourself
#QuotesToLiveBy: Limitations Related to Imagination
Asking “Now what?” isn’t Always a Choice
Layoffs, downsizing, and “rightsizing” are a common occurrence these days, and often they happen without rhyme nor reason. If you sense a layoff coming or you’ve already been hit with one, here are some tips for getting through and finding the opportunity as you move on to what’s next. Survive Being Laid Off