When you set big goals, what stops you from reaching them? Your answer might be “it depends.” But I’m willing to bet the shortfall can be attributed to a similar root cause each time: who you’re being! What do you want? What do you have to do to accomplish it? What is your burning desire?…
Global Impact
Say It or Act It? Your Results Will Differ
The other day, one of my executive clients told me about some feedback he got during a review. The buzz around the office was that he made people feel stupid. Whoa… To be fair, “no one can make you feel inferior without your consent,” is a bit of wisdom from former first lady Eleanor Roosevelt.…
The Truth in Coaching
When I started in the coaching industry 20+ years ago, most people were unfamiliar with the term “coaching” — outside of sports, of course. These days, I rarely meet someone who doesn’t know what coaching is — in the context of life, health, business, or careers. We’ve come a long way! But when it comes…
A Different Way to Frame Your New Year
As a coach, I want you to know that you can start over at any time, on any day. You always have the power to press reset and begin again. But we humans are social creatures, so we tend to get our cues from what’s going on around us. The buzz right now is about…
The Pandemic Changed My Business: How One Question Might Help You
The pandemic shut down was hard for so many people including people I know personally. For me, it was fraught with challenges but turned out to be one of the best years I’ve had in a long time. I shed 32 pounds after gaining 19 in the early months of the upheaval. Most of my…
Unemployment, Civil Unrest, COVID and What It Has to Do with Your Career
I sincerely hope that you are one of the people who still has a job in the midst of the COVID-19 crisis and the unrest in our country. Whether you do or not, we are going through something epic that the majority of us have no experience with. You’d have to be 100 years old…