There is so much darkness in our world right now: repeated loss of life to the ravages of terrorists or racial tensions, and the polarity of approaches to the political climate in the United States. It’s not unusual for the events of the world to shuffle the balance of darkness and light within us. Big…
Now What? Newsletter Articles
Were You Set Up for Success but Feel Like a Failure?
Doing everything right is no guarantee that you’ll be happy or satisfied. My Tedx Talk has been bringing me all kinds of interesting inquiries about coaching and people sharing their stories with me. Sometimes, a theme emerges from a rush of interest and lately, I’ve been talking to young men in their late twenties and…
Coda: The High School Senior’s Decision That Became A College Freshman’s Evolution
Employable, profitable, steady. Isn’t that what most people would want their kid’s course of study and career trajectory to be? For my eldest son, that path lasted less than the first semester of his freshman year and I couldn’t be happier. In honor of the graduation season and new endings and beginnings, I’m revisiting the…
How Long Is Too Long to Be Unemployed?
No one likes to be unemployed. Anxiety is high as uncertainty becomes your daily bread. Doing the hard work of securing a job is enough to make you want to take very long naps even on the sunniest of temperate days. You put on your “big boy/big girl undies” and get to the biz of…
What was your criteria for taking on your job or career? Did you follow a romance or spouse to a new city and take whatever you could find? Did you set out to fulfill the path you chose when you declared your college major? Did life lead you to something unexpected? Knowing what got you…
What Do Eyelashes Have to Do With Your Career Goals?
Cilia: Plural noun, singular cilium [sil-ee-uh m] 1. Biology. minute hair-like organelles, identical in structure to flagella, that line the surfaces of certain cells and beat in rhythmic waves, providing locomotion 2. Anatomy. The eyelashes The Latin for eyelash is cilium and in biology, cilia provide locomotion for the cell. Moving your career forward is…