Cilia: Plural noun, singular cilium [sil-ee-uh m] 1. Biology. minute hair-like organelles, identical in structure to flagella, that line the surfaces of certain cells and beat in rhythmic waves, providing locomotion 2. Anatomy. The eyelashes The Latin for eyelash is cilium and in biology, cilia provide locomotion for the cell. Moving your career forward is…
Now What? Newsletter Articles
Create Space; Do You? Why Should You?
It happened again. I went to yoga and was inspired to share a distinction that could be useful. Again, the instruction was about the yoga poses, and it also made so much sense for life. The teacher was encouraging the students in the room while we were all in a one-legged pose spreading the rest…
The Holiday Secret Sauce
I’ve written before about being Jewish and why I love Christmas. This past Saturday, when I went to yoga for the first time in awhile, I heard something from the teacher’s dharma talk that gave me new insight into the ‘Secret Sauce’ that makes the holiday season so special. This may seem obvious, but stay…
Do What Matters
We are entering American Thanksgiving week which also heralds the start of the ‘holiday season’. It’s that time of year again. That time when we re-evaluate and think about what we want the next year to bring. It’s a time when we reignite charity in our hearts and feel a little more tender, maybe even sentimental. In…
Standing in front of 100 people the other night at a public lecture, I had two men sitting across the aisle from each other who did not know each other, but who unfortunately had a lot in common. One was my 83-year-old father who has been retired for twenty years. Retirement wasn’t his idea, but…
Don’t Rush Me! When Is it Laziness and Procrastination and When Is It Truly Not the Right Time?
As an actor, author, speaker, business owner, parent and community leader, there are many moments when someone wants me to do something on a timeline that is not of my own making. “You need to jump on that opportunity!” “ You know what we really need? You should…..” “If you don’t do that now, you…