They want you! They need you! They tell you that no one can do the job but you! Boy, does that feel good. But somewhere deep down, you know it’s nothing you truly want a part of, even if they are saying everything you want to hear. YOU ARE BEING SEDUCED! I work with people…
Career coach
Say What You Do and Where You’re Heading – Quickly
Ah, the elevator pitch … sure, we’ve got it down for what we already do. But, how to succinctly integrate your past, present, and future into one brief introduction might not be so easy. Until now … How to Talk About Your Career Change in Your Elevator Pitch
If You Want to Change Careers, Go For It!
You may think you have to stay with what you studied in college or what you’ve invested yourself in for a decade or more. You may think you’re too old to make a change. And, none of this is true. If something else is calling to you, give it a go! You may just discover…
Now is the Best Time to Transform Yourself!
Right here, right now are 7 steps to truly reinvent yourself to give yourself a chance to do work that matters … work that has impact. “The goal is to have the rare skill of actually getting things done, making them happen and creating outcomes that people seek out.” Be one who is actually willing…
Asking “Now what?” isn’t Always a Choice
Layoffs, downsizing, and “rightsizing” are a common occurrence these days, and often they happen without rhyme nor reason. If you sense a layoff coming or you’ve already been hit with one, here are some tips for getting through and finding the opportunity as you move on to what’s next. Survive Being Laid Off
Finding a Company that Truly Supports Growth
Searching for the “perfect” job? One thing to consider is whether this company might be a good fit for you in terms of growth. Is there room to explore different options within the company so that you can stay excited and energized about your work? Here are some things to consider and some great questions…