After last week’s post, my inbox was flooded with questions. Which is always a nice surprise, honestly. It seems I struck a chord. Many of you wanted to know more about what it takes to stand strong when something comes along and tries to knock you off your game. I’m glad you’re curious! All too…
What’s your story?
In case you haven’t noticed, we’re living in an increasingly disconnected age. For all the good technology does in bringing us together, it also adds distance and puts up walls. We’re bombarded with information. Overloaded with messaging. Everyone is vying for our attention. As a result, everything sort of gets jumbled together. Sometimes we can’t…
So, what do you do?
Whether you’re at a cocktail party, networking event, business mixer, or your kid’s baseball practice, it never fails… Someone’s going to ask you THE question: “So, what do you do?” Considering I’m a career and business coach, you’d think I LOVE this question. But no. It bugs me too. Call it PTSD from when I…
Is It Good Guilt vs. Bad Guilt?
If you’re anything like most people, you’re no stranger to feeling guilty. For some folks, guilt is a frequent companion. They feel bad about seemingly anything and everything — whether they have a good reason to or not. But for most of us, guilt simply creeps in more often than we’d like. Quitting a job.…
Are You Chasing Popularity or Purpose?
We’re living in an age where being popular can come with big payoffs. I’m not talking about being the popular kid in high school here, but the popular content creator, influencer, or business owner on social media. The ones getting all the attention. Hits, clicks, likes, shares, and comments can turn into cold hard cash…
Is an Identity Crisis Holding You Back in Your Business?
In my coaching practice, I run into a lot of entrepreneurial spirits. As people are talking through what they want to do with their life and career, the conversation often takes a familiar turn, and I know what’s coming — “What I really want is to do my own thing!” It’s an exciting revelation. Charting…