If I had a dollar for every time someone told me they didn’t feel good enough, I’d be on the Forbes list right behind Bezos. Okay, I’m exaggerating … but it sure seems like it sometimes. I dream of being a writer, but I’m not good enough. I want to go after a big promotion,…
Life Goals
Why did I get “L❤️VE” tattooed on my arm?
If you missed last week’s note, I talked about the lessons I learned hanging out in a tattoo parlor over the holidays, and it sparked some curiosity — • Why a tattoo?, and L❤️VE? I touched on it briefly, but it probably deserves further explanation. What makes a woman approaching a certain milestone birthday suddenly get…
Career Lessons Learned from the Royal Family
We just witnessed the end of an era. After a lifetime of service to her country, the reign of Queen Elizabeth II came to an end — a sad day for so many worldwide. We also witnessed a new beginning, as the man we’ve always known as Prince Charles transitioned into his role as King…
The Forecast for 2022: Happy New Year
You’re receiving this while I’m on vacation with my family which is a great relief after a year of hard work, tripling my business, and caretaking extended family members. Last year, I did a predictive post which is not my usual MO. I’m coming back this year to compare how those predictions played out and…
How Do You Measure A Year In The Life?
In daylights, in sunsets, in midnights, in cups of coffee In inches, in miles, in laughter, in strife In 525,600 minutes How do you measure a year in the life?* Another year is ending, and while we thought last year was unique as we endured a pandemic-induced disruption of daily life, this one has left…