I was working with a client recently who had 23 years of experience in the mortgage industry. She didn’t think she could do anything else because her resume said she was a professional lender. This client honestly couldn’t imagine any other possibilities. I had my work cut out for me, but I knew my methods…
Life Lessons
Spouses, Partners and MONEY, OH My!
It’s no surprise that the topic of money comes up a lot in my work. After all, we are talking about livelihoods here. Often these conversations venture into money and relationships. After all, when someone is married or partnered or raising a family, their career, business, and money-related decisions affect more than just the individual.…
Seeking Answers? Look in the Mirror.
Have you ever been stuck in a rut, wondering what you’re doing wrong or what you could do better? You look everywhere for answers — books, blogs, seminars, friends, therapists, coaches, turning over rocks, praying to god, chatting with complete strangers online. And you just can’t figure out how to get unstuck. You think to…
Stop Trying Harder; Do This Instead
It seems counterintuitive to stop taking action when you are in pursuit of something you want, but if things are not going your way, it’s time to stop doing and start BEING. Where male energy is about action and doing, female energy is identified as receiving or being. (That’s not to say women don’t take…
How to Make a Tough Career Decision
Figuring out where to go next on your career path is rarely an easy decision. It often keeps people up at night, tossing and turning, wondering what their next best move might be. When considering an opportunity, sometimes it’s a clear “hell no!” or “heck yeah!” But more often than not, folks find themselves grappling…
Career Lessons Learned from the Royal Family
We just witnessed the end of an era. After a lifetime of service to her country, the reign of Queen Elizabeth II came to an end — a sad day for so many worldwide. We also witnessed a new beginning, as the man we’ve always known as Prince Charles transitioned into his role as King…