Break Out of the Norms You Set for Yourself I had to take a forced break from my usual live broadcast and my newsletter topic plan this past week due to my mother being in the hospital. Between both my parents, other family members, and one of my children’s childhood spent in hospitals, I’ve been…
Career Change
Want to start a business? Ask yourself these questions first.
Clients often come to me looking to make a career change — into a different job, different industry, or different level. Sometimes it’s a little shift, sometimes a big step up, and sometimes a major pivot. And it’s never easy, but always worth it. Because if you’re feeling uncomfortable and that nagging feeling that you…
What are you scrappy and hungry for?
I don’t know about you, but I am “scrappy and hungry, and I’m not throwin’ away my shot…” If you’re one of the millions of people who enjoyed the hit sensation Hamilton, you may recognize this tune. Consider it our theme song for today. I believe being scrappy and hungry is one of the under-appreciated…
The Unfortunate Cost of Covering All Your Bases
As a coach, I’m in the business of helping people get what they want — out of their career, their business, and their life. Over the years I’ve observed a thing or two about wanting, and the many reasons why people often don’t get what they want. One big reason is that they’re holding tight…
Do You Create Roadblocks or Does Someone Else?
When I talk to folks about making their next career move, I’m often met with an imaginary roadblock. At this point, I’ve come to expect it. This phantom obstacle comes in the form of a prerequisite they’ve conjured up (one that doesn’t actually exist) — an unmet qualification, a missing credential, or insufficient experience. It’s…
Career Change in the Land of Possibility
I was working with a client recently who had 23 years of experience in the mortgage industry. She didn’t think she could do anything else because her resume said she was a professional lender. This client honestly couldn’t imagine any other possibilities. I had my work cut out for me, but I knew my methods…