I don’t have to tell you life isn’t easy. We all have to do hard things . . .
From slogging through icy sludge on a blustery winter morning to drudging through another unproductive meeting about the project from hell – life comes with everyday nuisances.
From losing a loved one to losing a big client – we have little choice but to power through the worst of it.
Here’s the kicker . . .
Sometimes when we do have a choice, things can feel even harder.
Jumping out of bed every morning to fit in a run before work.
Making sales calls, even when you’re flush with cash and not sweating the rent.
Networking, attending events, meeting new people, and checking in with friends.
Doing it anyway when the consequences of skipping it won’t be felt right away.
Having the option to take the easy out but deciding to go hard after your goals.
It’s tough to keep your “get up and go” operational and your internal fire stoked. But you can do hard things.
When my clients ask me for tips on how to override the urge to take it easy, I like to share my go-to advice with them:
1. Do the hardest thing first.
Whatever you’re dreading, get it over with and out of the way.
2. Make a deal with yourself.
What’s the reward for getting something done?
3. Get accountability.
Hire a coach, ask a friend, or buddy up with a colleague to hold you to it.
4. Put money on the line, skin in the game.
Place pressure on yourself to earn a return.
If it’s still hard to find your motivation, ask the tough questions:
Why am I doing this?
Do I really want it?
Is it time to move on?
Either find the drive to do what you need to succeed or find something else worthwhile to pursue. Things are going to be hard sometimes, whatever you choose. What’s worth doing the tough stuff? Do that and play to win!
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