Entrepreneur is one of the most alluring words in the English language. People daydream about quitting their jobs to work for themselves, and those who already work for themselves dream of the day when the term lives up to its luster. We’re fed romanticized images of total freedom and piles of cash, but it’s not…
Motivational Quotes
What is GRIT?
If there’s one quality you can’t do without on the path to success, it’s GRIT. Reaching your goals often requires a stick-to-itiveness like no other. You’re going to hit challenges along the way, and it’s possessing a dogged perseverance — despite adversity — that’ll carry you through. This kind of tenacity is what sets you…
The Truth in Coaching
When I started in the coaching industry 20+ years ago, most people were unfamiliar with the term “coaching” — outside of sports, of course. These days, I rarely meet someone who doesn’t know what coaching is — in the context of life, health, business, or careers. We’ve come a long way! But when it comes…
What “I Don’t Know” Really Means
I love helping people make big changes in their lives. Seeing someone go from being completely miserable or frustratingly unfulfilled in their career to being content, aligned, and fired up about their work is what makes what I do so rewarding. But change isn’t easy, especially when you won’t admit what you want that change…
DREAD Has a Message For You
Do you dread going to work? Sunday evening rolls around, and you shudder at the thought of rolling out of bed in the morning. Do you dread getting on a Zoom call with a particular client? You check your calendar and cringe just thinking about the upcoming conversation. We all do sometimes. Should you quit…
A Different Way to Frame Your New Year
As a coach, I want you to know that you can start over at any time, on any day. You always have the power to press reset and begin again. But we humans are social creatures, so we tend to get our cues from what’s going on around us. The buzz right now is about…