The pandemic shut down was hard for so many people including people I know personally. For me, it was fraught with challenges but turned out to be one of the best years I’ve had in a long time. I shed 32 pounds after gaining 19 in the early months of the upheaval. Most of my…
Taking Action
Should You Cast a Wider Net?
In uncertain times, we want to be open to any and all possibilities. It sounds like a logical strategy. Except, it’s not. It’s like being at a shooting range and firing your weapon in all directions hoping one of your shots hits the target. A sharp-shooter, an archery master, a martial arts practitioner, even a…
You’re Being Let Go! Don’t Panic. Do This Instead.
You’ve been called in to someone’s office and told that you’re being relieved of your post. You are not being walked out the door within the hour, but rather, you have been advised that you are part of upcoming cuts and that you have a couple of weeks before your last day. It stings. It…
Unemployment, Civil Unrest, COVID and What It Has to Do with Your Career
I sincerely hope that you are one of the people who still has a job in the midst of the COVID-19 crisis and the unrest in our country. Whether you do or not, we are going through something epic that the majority of us have no experience with. You’d have to be 100 years old…
It’s Easier than You Think
Looking to have greater impact, bring more value, or reach more people? It doesn’t have to be hard, and it’s probably easier than you imagined. Take a peek and see what you might want to try out this year: 12 Instant Inspirations for a More Fascinating You
This Will Be the Year I Enjoy the Holidays
Every year, I set out in mid-November to “enjoy the holiday season.” To me, that means not rushing, stressing, and feeling pulled to complete so many obligations. Instead, I imagine watching as many corny Christmas movies as I want, wrapping gifts with time to spare, being done with shopping before the stores swell with holiday…