For some people, work is their identity. It’s how they measure their worth, and that works for them. It gets a bad rap, but there’s nothing inherently wrong with deriving meaning from the work you’re called to do. Being driven by your goals can serve you quite well … until it doesn’t! Let’s face it…
Laura Berman Fortgang
The Significance of the WIN
When you’re looking to reinvent your career or start a business, resilience is crucial. Because sooner or later, the going will get tough. You’ll need to not only stay motivated but also recover quickly and bounce back whenever you encounter difficulties. One of the best ways to do this is to focus on your wins.…
Break Out of the Norms You Set for Yourself
Break Out of the Norms You Set for Yourself I had to take a forced break from my usual live broadcast and my newsletter topic plan this past week due to my mother being in the hospital. Between both my parents, other family members, and one of my children’s childhood spent in hospitals, I’ve been…
How to Bounce Back After Disappointment
At some point, we all face disappointment. Whether you get passed over for a promotion, lose a big client, your new program launch flops, or your business partner bails on you — things don’t always go as we hoped…and frankly, it sucks But although feeling let down is perfectly normal, dwelling in disappointment won’t do…
How To NOT Quit on Yourself
When you’re working towards a goal, quitting often seems like the easy way out. Everyone wants to throw in the towel sometimes — when the going gets tough, when you hit a hiccup, or when you’re just not feeling up to it. Getting up every day, chugging along, and doing what it takes — no…
What does freedom mean to you?
I’m not sure where you are in the world, but here in the US, we’re in a season of celebrating freedom. We just marked our nation’s independence on the 4th of July and commemorated the emancipation of enslaved people in the US on Juneteenth. So “freedom” is in the air… But the true meaning of…