Don’t take this the wrong way, but we are in crisis.
What I mean by this is, as human beings, we’re in crisis — often.
I’m not trying to bum you out here, just facing facts. The human condition includes the positives and negatives of the human experience.
The reality is we’re in trouble sometimes. At times (like now!), it seems we’re in a lot of trouble.
Lately, you may feel like you’re seeing a crisis everywhere you look — in your personal life, the lives of your loved ones, in politics, on the news: storms, wildfires, plane crashes, leadership decisions, family emergencies, business mishaps, technological glitches, economic downturns . . . you name it!
You might be thinking, “Tell me something I don’t know!” So here goes . . .
We have to get better at crisis management. Not just the head honchos in charge, but every single one of us. We can’t just expect “somebody” to do something. How?
- Start by dealing with what’s REAL. There is no need to catastrophize and make the crisis bigger than it already is by projecting the “worst case scenario” into the atmosphere. What’s actually happening right in front of you? (there is plenty of REAL bad stuff–just don’t make it worse.)
- Focus on what you CAN do. What can you control? That’s where you look; it’s where you take action.
- Keep things in perspective. Remaining calm matters. We don’t do our best thinking in a chaotic brain.
Take one thing at a time. One day at a time. That is not to make light of anything that is going on personally for you or in the US and the world.
Use your imagination for solutions, not for worsening the problem.
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