Pun intended! Here’s how one woman changed everything to follow a new career path that better suited her. How to Reinvent Yourself at Any Age
Inspiration to Follow Your Blueprint
Shifting Gears to Fulfill a Childhood Dream
No role models. No expectation to even go to college. A dream beaten out of him. And yet, this dream did not entirely disappear, and now this man is able to say, “Finally, I am free of this, and I can go after something I’ve always wanted.” Car mechanic shifts gears, becomes a doctor at…
Dare to Dream!
Bottom line: “Life is short. Our days are numbered, so why spend them doing something we don’t love? It’s time to make a decision to go for it.” If you don’t try, you’ll never find out what might be possible. You have one life. Don’t miss it! 11 Reasons Why It’s Important to Follow Your…
I Need to Make a Change, But I Don’t Have Time
par·a·dox /ˈperəˌdäks/ noun noun: paradox; plural noun: paradoxes 1. a seemingly absurd or self-contradictory statement or proposition that when investigated or explained may prove to be well founded or true. Change can’t happen without attention. Unless you just want to be on the receiving end of change . . . the stuff you can’t do…
Trapped With No Way Out
When all you can see is what’s right in front of you, it’s very hard to be creative. You may be painfully aware that you can’t stand what you are doing for work right now and still be utterly unable to see any other options. It’s a phenomenon that I see over and over again…
When Life Offers You a Hard Right
When I was five years old, my father was offered the opportunity to establish an office for his large American employer in Caracas, Venezuela. (It was a much healthier and wealthier place then that it is now.) I wasn’t privy to how the negotiation with my mother went down, but they decided to take the…