I don’t have to tell you that sometimes life gets in the way; we’ve all experienced it. We get sick, have an accident, face disappointment, deal with a busted hot water heater — you name it! Life can be unpleasant or inconvenient. Every time, life gets in the way — if you let it! Last…
Listening to the Nudge
Do you ever get a nudge, but you’re unsure if it’s meant for you? Your gut, your intuition, or maybe even a higher power seems to be poking at you, trying to get a message through … or maybe not… A bright shiny idea is calling your name. An alluring new prospect practically falls in…
Why Joy Matters to Your Success (and How to Enjoy More)
If you’ve been paying attention, there’s been a lot of buzz around the word “joy” over the past couple of weeks. It has even come up in my work with clients. Why is this, and what does it even mean? Let’s face it – many people feel devoid of joy these days, like we’ve been…
Respect Your Rhythm and Move Towards the Light
Did you notice anything different this past Thursday? It was the shortest day of the year, also known as Winter Solstice — with the fewest daylight hours and longest night. Unless you follow the seasons closely or honor traditions that do, it probably hasn’t been on your radar. But I think the Winter Solstice deserves…
The Power of Pumpkin Spice
Fall is just around the corner again, and you know what that means — it’s pumpkin spice season! I know … you’re either rolling your eyes, giddy with excitement, or couldn’t care less. But stick with me here, because we should all be paying attention. Love it or hate it, there’s no denying the POWER…
Does asking for what you want feel “pushy?”
We all want what we want, but sometimes going after it feels a little icky. If you’ve ever had someone skip the small talk and bark a request at you, you know what I mean. It’s kinda like going for the goods with no foreplay or asking someone to marry you on the first date.…