We’ve all hit the ground running this week, back to work, ready to take on the new year with gusto … right? Okay, maybe not. The holidays are a welcome break from business as usual. But let’s face it, the season’s festivities rarely offer much respite. Even if you had a chance to do a…
How to Respond when the Feedback Feels Personal
Last week, one of my executive coaching clients showed up to our meeting pretty agitated. She was getting the sense her boss had it out for her. A certain issue had become a sticking point, and she felt like she was getting picked on. Typically, I’m all for confronting the issue. It’s often best to…
Disrupting the Meritocracy of Adrenaline
Anyone who spends a lot of time with ambitious people will tell you — Adrenaline is one heckuva drug! Sure, it’s all-natural and a perfectly normal hormone for your adrenals to produce, but it’s also quite addicting for some people. Working short deadlines. Staying super busy. Running on stress. It sometimes feels like a superpower!…
Midlife Change Calling?
Midlife is a natural time for many to ponder what they’re doing with their lives. Wondering if you’re locked into a career you’ve devoted decades to? Not necessarily! These folks share how they’ve made a change with no regrets. Care For A Career Change-Up? These Stories Are Proof It’s Never Too Late
Is It Flying Or Is It Just Me?
The last few years have felt like they’ve been speeding by and this one is on steroids compared to them. I feel catapulted into outer space by the speed at which time flies. Oddly, the feeling bookends the individual days that seem to have plenty of time in them. The push and pull, pulse-racing and…
I Want To Quit!!!
Exploring next career moves, doing a job search or starting a new endeavor like your own business are all daunting and often, frustrating propositions. Many times you’ll come up against a lack of results or clarity that dumps a heap of hopelessness on you in the from of “I want to quit!!” Should you? To…