When was the last time you got drawn into a good story … that wasn’t real? Maybe it was the latest thriller on Netflix, or a new release by your favorite author. You found something about the plot compelling enough to pay attention — all because someone crafted a work of fiction that resonated with…
life story
It’s Not About the WHAT But the WHO
When you set big goals, what stops you from reaching them? Your answer might be “it depends.” But I’m willing to bet the shortfall can be attributed to a similar root cause each time: who you’re being! What do you want? What do you have to do to accomplish it? What is your burning desire?…
Say It or Act It? Your Results Will Differ
The other day, one of my executive clients told me about some feedback he got during a review. The buzz around the office was that he made people feel stupid. Whoa… To be fair, “no one can make you feel inferior without your consent,” is a bit of wisdom from former first lady Eleanor Roosevelt.…
Love Lessons from Leila
Last week, my sweet dog, Leila, had surgery. Let me tell you that seeing my poor girl go through the pain and recovery of that ordeal made her more precious to me than ever. I don’t know if you’re a pet person, but our four-legged friends have a lot to teach us about life and…
The Truth in Coaching
When I started in the coaching industry 20+ years ago, most people were unfamiliar with the term “coaching” — outside of sports, of course. These days, I rarely meet someone who doesn’t know what coaching is — in the context of life, health, business, or careers. We’ve come a long way! But when it comes…
New Balance
The high-level executive keeps telling himself he’ll have time again soon – that it’s just a busy time, and it’ll slow down in the near future. However, he’s been telling himself that for SIX MONTHS! A slow down just typically doesn’t happen. How does he find a balance? How does he reclaim his life?…