When was the last time you got drawn into a good story … that wasn’t real? Maybe it was the latest thriller on Netflix, or a new release by your favorite author. You found something about the plot compelling enough to pay attention — all because someone crafted a work of fiction that resonated with…
new venture
6 Habits of Highly Effective Entrepreneurs
Entrepreneur is one of the most alluring words in the English language. People daydream about quitting their jobs to work for themselves, and those who already work for themselves dream of the day when the term lives up to its luster. We’re fed romanticized images of total freedom and piles of cash, but it’s not…
What is GRIT?
If there’s one quality you can’t do without on the path to success, it’s GRIT. Reaching your goals often requires a stick-to-itiveness like no other. You’re going to hit challenges along the way, and it’s possessing a dogged perseverance — despite adversity — that’ll carry you through. This kind of tenacity is what sets you…
Do You Have a Business or a Hobby?
Almost everyone seems to have entrepreneurial dreams these days. With remote work becoming the norm, self-employment soaring, and the barrier to entry shrinking, more people are hanging their shingle, claiming to be open for business. But just because it’s easier to start a business doesn’t mean it’s easy to find success. All too often, people…
Question of the Week: Get Fired Up Again
What will bring back your spark? That was the question that became a theme this week on my coaching calls. Low energy Uninspired Blah I think it’s safe to say we all feel this way from time to time. Whether you’re experiencing a bout of burnout, your self-esteem has taken a hit, you’re just not…
When Life Offers You a Hard Right
When I was five years old, my father was offered the opportunity to establish an office for his large American employer in Caracas, Venezuela. (It was a much healthier and wealthier place then that it is now.) I wasn’t privy to how the negotiation with my mother went down, but they decided to take the…