I don’t have to tell you that sometimes life gets in the way; we’ve all experienced it. We get sick, have an accident, face disappointment, deal with a busted hot water heater — you name it! Life can be unpleasant or inconvenient. Every time, life gets in the way — if you let it! Last…
Now What Coaching
Listening to the Nudge
Do you ever get a nudge, but you’re unsure if it’s meant for you? Your gut, your intuition, or maybe even a higher power seems to be poking at you, trying to get a message through … or maybe not… A bright shiny idea is calling your name. An alluring new prospect practically falls in…
How to Sell without the ICK
This isn’t easy, but it can’t be avoided. I talk to smart, talented, capable people who find themselves stuck every day, and almost every one of them has this one thing in common. They want to grow a business or accomplish the next big step in their career. They are go-getters and have a lot…
More Lessons From My Hobby
Over the past year or so, I’ve started a new hobby. And I think this one might surprise you: I’m flipping furniture! (unless you’ve been around and read my previous article on this.) You read that right. Here I am — a busy business owner, coaching executives and entrepreneurs — and I’ve made time for…
Disrupting the Meritocracy of Adrenaline
Anyone who spends a lot of time with ambitious people will tell you — Adrenaline is one heckuva drug! Sure, it’s all-natural and a perfectly normal hormone for your adrenals to produce, but it’s also quite addicting for some people. Working short deadlines. Staying super busy. Running on stress. It sometimes feels like a superpower!…
The Secret to Better Decision Making
If you’re feeling stuck in your career or business, it’s usually because you’re having trouble deciding which move to make. “Should I do this? Or should I do that?” High achievers know that indecision is the enemy of progress; swift, confident decisions are the path to success. In my experience, to say good decision making…