Want to know one of the best ways (by far!) to improve your life, career, and business? Stop faking it. Stop putting on an act. Pretending to be someone you’re not isn’t working as well as you think . . . We’ve been conditioned to believe people will like us better if they perceive us…
Now What
Are You Playing to Win or Playing Not to Lose?
I’m working with a C-suite executive at a mid-sized company, and the organization is going through some changes. Given his position, my client is privy to what’s happening and savvy enough to see the writing on the wall — what’s coming down the pike doesn’t look good, and his days may be numbered. We agreed…
When Life Gets in the Way, What’s Your Plan?
I don’t have to tell you that sometimes life gets in the way; we’ve all experienced it. We get sick, have an accident, face disappointment, deal with a busted hot water heater — you name it! Life can be unpleasant or inconvenient. Every time, life gets in the way — if you let it! Last…
How to Sell without the ICK
This isn’t easy, but it can’t be avoided. I talk to smart, talented, capable people who find themselves stuck every day, and almost every one of them has this one thing in common. They want to grow a business or accomplish the next big step in their career. They are go-getters and have a lot…
The Secret to Better Decision Making
If you’re feeling stuck in your career or business, it’s usually because you’re having trouble deciding which move to make. “Should I do this? Or should I do that?” High achievers know that indecision is the enemy of progress; swift, confident decisions are the path to success. In my experience, to say good decision making…
Why Aren’t You Showing Up for Yourself?
A couple of weeks ago, an organization notorious for not offering compensation to their speakers asked me to speak. I almost turned them down, but then I remembered something important. As a business owner, it’s my job to ask for the money. When I don’t ask for what I’m worth, I’m hiding behind assumptions and…